The School Day
Breakfast Club provides a healthy and fun way to start the day.
Our school day begins at 8:55am and ends at 3:20pm. This equates to 6 hours and 25 minutes per day, or 32 hours and 5 minutes per week. Children should arrive at school on-time, and be ready to learn, with all the equipment they need for the day, including their reading book and PE kit.
Good time-keeping is an important quality to learn. Being late for work would never be seen as acceptable behaviour and neither is being late for school. Lateness causes children to feel uncomfortable arriving in class, especially after the rest of the class is seated and ready for the start of the day; it also disrupts the learning of others.
Bagels are provided for all pupils at the start of the school day. This amazing provision is made possible through Council grants. We are very grateful to them for helping to ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to have a nutritious and healthy meal to start the day. A good breakfast is essential for good learning to take place.
Below, you can view details of our school day; sometimes the structure of the school day changes but playtimes and lunchtimes nearly always stay at the same times.
School Day Timings
Reception Class
8:45am Staff Duty
8:50am Pupils into School
8:55am Registration
9:00am Morning Session
12:00noon Lunch
1:00pm Registration and Afternoon Session
3:20pm End of School
Key Stage 1
8:45am Staff Duty
8:50am Pupils into school
8:55am Pupils into school
9:00am Morning Session 1 and 2
10:30am Playtime (Year 1)
10:45am Playtime (Year 2)
11:00am Morning Session 3
12:00noon Lunch
1:00pm Registration/Afternoon Session 1 and 2
3:20pm End of School
Key Stage 2
8:45am Staff Duty
8:50am Pupils into school
8:55am Registration
9:00am Morning Session 1 and 2
10:30am Playtime (Years 3 and 5)
10:45am Playtime (Years 4 and 6)
11:00am Morning Session 3
12:00noon Lunch (Years 3 and 4)
12:30pm Lunch (Years 5 and 6)
1:30pm Registration/Afternoon Session 1 and 2
3:20pm End of School
Collective Worship
2:55pm Monday - Values and SELF focus
2:55pm Tuesday - Praise Collective Worship
2:55pm Wednesday - 'Roots and Fruits' led by Rev. Ricky Turner bi-weekly
2:55pm Thursday - Celebration
3:00pm Friday - Class-Based Worship
Active Travel and Travel Plan
As a school, we recognise the many positive benefits of active travel for our children and we encourage walking, scooting and cycling to and from school. Please read our Active Travel Policy and Travel Plan below for more information.