Safeguarding is our schools highest priority and it is important that everyone plays a part in ensuring that children are safe.
Our designated safeguarding leads in school are Justine Fourmy and Cheryl Smart.
Our safeguarding Governors are Carole Hegley and Gary Clarke.
If you think that a child you know is being harmed, or is at risk of being harmed, please contact:
Central Bedfordshire - Access and Referral Hub on 0300 300 8585 or if calling out of hours, 0300 300 8123. Additionally you can call Luton - Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01582 547653 or out of hours 0300 300 8123.
You can also follow this Government Guidance link:
You can talk about your concerns and they will give you advice or may investigate the circumstances. All calls are treated in confidence and you need not give your details.
Our 'Our School/Policies' page gives details of school procedures in relation to safeguarding and below is a copy of the 'SAFEGUARDING TEAM' notice that is displayed in areas throughout our school.
Remember, everyone has a duty to protect children from harm.
Operation Encompass
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy - September 2024
Covid-19 - Safeguarding Policy Appendix
Safeguarding Initiative Award - During Covid-19
Support and Advice