Forest School
At St Augustine's Academy, we have enjoyed creating a large Forest School area within our school grounds. Many children who attend our school live in flats with no gardens; being able to provide a Forest School has enabled them to thrive in a stimulating and engaging outdoor learning environment. We care deeply about God's world and try our best to help it flourish and thrive.
During the last 2 years, we have worked hard, alongside the Woodland Trust and Central Bedfordshire Council, to develop our Forest School. We have received approximately £20,000 in grants to plant and irrigate dozens of trees and hedges, and over £3000 from the Jane Cart's Trust to purchase outdoor clothing for our pupils so that they can enjoy outdoor learning in all weather.
Early Years children take part in Forest School twice weekly and children in Years 1 - 6 have 2 timetables sessions to use Forest School to enjoy lessons from the National Curriculum Outdoors. Forest School is also used for whole school 'Wild Worship' and it is often used for class worship too.