Marking and Feedback
A new way of marking books and giving feedback to pupils has been adopted at our school. It is gaining interest from other local headteachers, some of whom have already visited our school to see it in action.
When you look at children's books, you will no longer see written comments from teachers; you will see lots of yellow highlighting by the teachers, lots of purple pen comments by the children and symbols next to the learning objective for each piece of work as follows:
Hand - A helping hand was needed with this work
Arrow - Some understanding was shown
Star - The learning objective was fully met
The idea of our new Feedback Policy is that children use a purple pen to edit their work, following verbal feedback being given to them. Teachers use yellow highlighter pens to identify spelling/punctuation errors or sections of work that need to be corrected or made better. At the start of every lesson, the whole class is given verbal feedback by the teacher. Visualisers (mini projectors) are used to display pupils' work on the interactive whiteboards and highlight areas of strength and areas for development.
Our Feedback Policy can be viewed below.